Awwww, had to get the camera QUICK because I knew this wouldn't
last long. For a few reasons...#1- she was heading for his book #2- the
big kid can't sit still long enough. But, an adorable moment,
nonetheless. Case is FINALLY starting to LOVE on his sister more often. I
know deep down, he adores her, he just has too many other things on his
agenda during the day to notice sweet sissy. They are the most
precious, amazing kids in the world and I LOVE them to pieces :)
Don't you just want to eat her up, squeeze her thighs and just KISS all over this sweet face?!
And this kid, just FUNNY. He has a spitting image of his father's jokester personality. The boys sometimes drive me INSANE with their silliness. Oh, Kylynn, please be calm and relaxed with your momma! She will probably be crazier than THIS...
Such sweet peas!