Monday, March 8, 2010

One Month Old

Baby Case is already one month old! It has been a wonderful month so far. Everyone says it goes fast and it truly does. We are still eating about every 3 hours, but I think that is fairly common. I don't think I am going to have that baby that "sleeps through the night" real early. I was too spoiled when I was pregnant sleeping at least 9 hours a night. He should have prepared me more and kept me up when he was inside :) We went on our first few outings last week. I took him to Target and to Ryan's office. This past weekend Ryan and I took him to Chili's and to our friend's house on Saturday and Sunday. We have to show him off. Ryan couldn't believe the waiter at Chili's didn't say anything to us :) We love Case Mathew Bishop SO very much! Our little family is blessed.