Sunday, January 13, 2013

Our "Christmas Morning"

We decided to have Christmas "morning" after naps when we got back from Iowa on a Sunday so we could start taking decorations down and have the rest of New Year's break to just relax. This is probably the last year that can happen. I go back and forth with going back to Iowa next year or waiting until maybe the day after Christmas so we can celebrate our own Christmas morning here in our house. Traditions are hard to break... Kids LOVED their presents but at the same time, they had just went a week getting showered with presents so ours and "Santa's" maybe didn't seem that special. Here they are anyway...

Out with Friends

We went out last Friday night to celebrate Amber & Jason's birthdays. FUN TIMES with my Texas 

11 Months OLD!!!

Sweet baby girl is growing WAY too fast. I just want to snuggle her ALL day long and keep her this teeny tiny forEVER. She only weighs 19lbs and Case weighed 20lbs at his 6 month check up. HOLY COW! Big difference :) She may be tiny but she is SASSY! She knows how to get her way and will go after her way however she can! LOVE THIS PRECIOUS BABY GIRL! I can't believe she will be one so soon...

Dad's House

I only left the house for Christmas Eve services the ENTIRE week :) It was SO cold and nice to just bum around with the kids. We had so much fun playing inside and baking, of course! LOVED our time in Iowa!

 Attempt at picture before church!

 Handy Tony putting together Case's crane!
 Love our Dad!

Christmas at Grandma Hoskins!

We went straight from Bishop's to my Grandma's house. It was nice to be able to spend time with my family and go out to her house. Almost all of us were able to make it (Kirby & Tony came later). The kids enjoyed hanging out with family and opening presents, of course. The yummy food was pretty good too!

 AWWW, she is just SO precious and SO sweet. My little angel...
 LOVE aunt Kels!
 My Amazing Sister!
 SWEET boy, look at that smile!
 The Squire's

Love Grandma Hoskin! She is such an amazing Grandma! We are so very blessed to have her in our lives!
Dewes Family!

Christmas at the Bishop's

We went to Ryan's parents first when we got to Iowa. We had fun sledding, making sugar cookies, and just hanging out. Case and Kylynn were spoiled with new toys and had a great time with cousins!

 Watching  a movie with the cousins (lasted 5 minutes, maybe :)

 Oh, who could it be?! Uncle Josh as Santa, pretty creepy :)

 ALL the cousins together! Rylee, Addy, Case, Kylynn, Braelyn, Cam & Alayna!
 LOVING her new baby doll!

AWWW, Grandma Donna loves Santa!

Sledding in Iowa

When we first got to Iowa it wasn't too cold, so we bundled Case up and he was THRILLED! Grandpa Mark & Grandma Donna were so sweet to take Case sledding. He made a snow angel and 
he loved every minute of it!

Of course you have to end with Hot Chocolate!

Christmas Cookies

We went over to our friend's, The Doyle's, again this year to decorate sugar cookies and hang out in jammies. It is such a fun time and we appreciate Elizabeth doing this for the kids :) Case LOVED decorating (and eating) his own cookie. Warning: CUTE KIDS ALERT!!!

 Sweet Jackson & Owen

 Sweet Cece and Kylynn hanging out!