Wednesday, February 9, 2011

1st Birthday!

Case, Wrigley & Sasha (who loves it the most?!)
The Bishop Family
The Neill Family
YUMMY! Why haven't I had this before, Mommy?
Sweet Grandma
LOVE my sis!
Wow, I cannot believe a year has past by so quickly. I have enjoyed every single moment with this little guy. He is an amazing baby. Case has slept through the night since about 2 months and continues to sleep at least 12 hours a night and naps twice a day. He is so full of energy and is happy 99% of the time. We have been so spoiled. I keep saying the next one is going to be a girl and she will be a "diva" and rock our worlds! Case starting walking last week on our first official Texas SNOW day. We were teasing that we would teach him and he just up and did it. He still teeters here and there but just gets the biggest smile on his face like I am BIG stuff! We had FOUR snow days last week. Daddy was here with us two of the days and then Grandma Hoskin, Grandpa & Grandma Neill and Aunt Kirby all came down on Thursday. We were SO happy to have visitors and loved having them here. We had Case's 1st birthday party on Saturday. We did a "sports" theme and had an amazing turn out. I think everyone was just excited to get out of their houses and do something fun! Ryan's parents and brother, Josh also joined us. It was horrible traveling conditions for both of our parents so we are thankful they all made it safely! It was so nice seeing everyone and Case was blessed with TOO many presents, of course.

Yesterday was his actual birthday and he had school. YEA for Mommy and YEA for Case! He had the biggest smile on his face when we walked in to his little classroom. His teachers told me that he is such a delight and has such an adorable personality. I hope they enjoy him as much as I do! Now, the little guy DOES get a little sassy when he doesn't get his way or can't have something that is Mommy & Daddy's. He gets over it pretty quickly though. The only other time he gets upset is EATING time. If Case is hungry, the food had better be ready right NOW! He sure does eat a lot, I can only imagine what it will be like in 10 years. I won't be able to keep enough food in the house I am sure!

Mom seems to be doing well. She LOVES spending time with Case and we had such a great time while they were down here. I updated her Caring Bridge site, here is that address if you would like to check it out:

We are snowed in again today. It looks like it is tapering off though and this Mama is praying for school tomorrow to have some "me" time :) We are passing time by making countless trips around the house in Case's new wagon! Have a fabulous day!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Crazy Weather!

Sunny, 75 degree day on Sunday...

Snuggling indoors (yes, in our Christmas jammies) on Wednesday (ice day #2)

Well, last weekend the temp was in the 70s and now we have been stuck inside for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT. Seriously, can't they get some salt here in Texas?! It iced on Monday night and Tuesday morning and the roads are STILL like a skating rink. There is no school tomorrow as well. My sister just landed and my Dad, Mom and Grandma are driving down for the big PARTY on Saturday. It is going to be a BIG party considering everyone is just going to be thrilled to get out of their houses! I hope you all are staying warm & cozy in your houses and have a great weekend!