Saturday, October 23, 2010

WOW, it's been awhile!

I know, I know. I haven't been the best "blogger" on the block. It just seems easier to update Facebook but I know some of you do not have it :)

We are doing great here at the Bishop household. Case has been going to a Mother's Day Out program Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-2. He LOVES his teachers and enjoys going. I am impressed with his teachers as well and enjoy MY me time!

We are going back to Iowa on Thursday for a few days. We are celebrating a year of mom being diagnosed with cancer but mostly celebrating the fact that she is doing great. She continues to work, keep the new home spotless and visit us as often as possible! I don't think the girl ever sits down which must be where I get it!

I turned 30 last week, THIRTY. I can't believe it. Some days I DO feel that old, other days I feel like I'm still in college. But then I look at that sweet little boy of ours. He is just precious. He is crawling, pulling up and pretty much getting into everything. I am ready for him to start walking!

We continue to go to the YMCA at least 3 times a week and Case likes the childwatch there. We also go to Kindermusik on Friday mornings. We sing songs, do some dancing and other fun activities.

We hope that you are all doing well and I sure do enjoy reading all of YOUR blogs so I will do better about keeping ours updated! Thanks for reading :)