Thursday, September 17, 2009


I think fall is finally here! It has rained here for at least a week straight. Wrigley and I are going crazy not being able to go on our regular walks. I think we can squeeze one in this evening as I think the rain has stopped finally! Baby Bishop continues to grow. I can't believe I am almost half-way through this. I am 19 weeks! We will find out TWO weeks from today if it will be a sweet little girl like it's mommy or an ornery little boy like it's daddy. We can't wait. At first we weren't sure if we were going to find out but have definitely decided we want to know! Our furniture is in, we just have to pick it up and I am going to order the bedding after we find out. Then we can begin painting and all that fun stuff! I have not felt the baby move yet but I got to thinking, I wonder if you actually have to sit DOWN for that?! I am still on the go nonstop but keep telling myself I need to slow down. I will be going back to Iowa three weeks from today and I can't wait. I love fall in Iowa and I know there are people ready to rub this growing belly! They are all going to be surprised when they see my rear end is larger than my belly :) HA, no one ever told me that your butt has to grow to balance out the belly! Is it that it HAS to happen or that I enjoy oreos and milk duds too much?! Oh well, it will all be worth it. Here are a few pics of the belly and one of our "baby" (he is going to be in for quite a shock in a few months) Happy Fall Y'all!

Ryan is ALWAYS asking me to take pics of him and Wrigley cuddling. They are pretty cute!

Wrigley LOVES to lay in laundry right after I get it out of the dryer. He tends to roll around in it as well. I came back in the living room after going to dry my hair and this is what I found. I could NOT stop laughing and I think I embarassed him because he would not look at me for a long time afterwards. Hilarious! Um, if you can't tell, those are Ryan's briefs!
Pic before church. I am trying to find a place in the house I can set the timer and take pics of myself. Ryan seems to think it is silly to take so many pictures so I will just have to take some myself :)

This was today at school. I wore leggings for my FIRST time ever.