Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Trip Home

YEA for sunshine! It has been out for the past three days and has been BEAUTIFUL here in Texas! I was needing a dose of sunshine, that's for sure! I went back to Iowa last Wednesday through Sunday. It was chilly & dreary there as well but we managed to have a wonderful time. Wrigley went with me and is an all-star flyer. He sleeps in his little carrier under my seat the whole way. He is such a good dog. I'm not sure if he will get to go on many more airplane trips though, lugging a baby and him might not work out :( I had my LAST birthday in my 20s last week, I can't believe it. Here are some recent pics. Have a great week!

Cuddling watching the Iowa game, GO HAWKS!
Mom & Dad Cuddling :)

I am quite a bit larger than my teeny tiny sister!

Sweet girls loving baby Bishop! He is going to be SO spoiled!

Kirbs and Wrigs loving!

Before School one morning-23 weeks!

Dad's getting excited!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's a BOY!!!

Well, it's official. Baby Bishop is a BOY :) We had our ultrasound on Thursday. We were both very surprised and excited. I have only bought ONE pack of onsies so I am doing good :) I think the rest of the family is going to be providing for this baby more than we can imagine! Baby Bishop is going to be the first baby on my side of the family so will be extremely spoiled! I have been feeling him move all week and Ryan was able to feel him on Thursday night. Ryan went hunting for the weekend so Wrigley and I hung out relaxing at home. He doesn't know what is about to happen to him in 4 months. I am heading home to Iowa on Wednesday evening with Wrigley. We will be there til Sunday. Ryan is going to Hot Springs, Arkansas for work. We are very anxious to spend some quality family time for a few days. I am sure Baby Bishop will get plenty of rub-downs! Here are some recent pics. Have a great week!